Man and the Planet: “The Anthropocene Virus”
Disrupted planetary health Since the Industrial Revolution, human impact on the planet has become so active that today it has led to serious consequences, and
Can our civilisation cope with the task it has been set? Is there an alternative to this? Have we suffered setbacks in following the evolutionary purpose of human life?
In this novel, Hares Youssef attempts to address these questions. The author hopes this small work will lend human reasoning to the desire to imagine more, and to think less.
This book is dedicated to You
Dear guest!
I am truly pleased that you are reading my words because they would be of no benefit without a user. I am very eager to make myself useful to you. I have faith in my knowledge because it is through faith that I have achieved it. Knowledge of this kind is acquired in order to be shared. I hope that on this site I will be able to offer that intellectual product that will satisfy the will to expand your mind.
Hares Youssef, philosopher, poet, writer, economist
Hares Youssef in his studio. The background is the unfinished painting Birth, on which the cover of the book Gaiia is based.
Gaiia is an amazing planet. Just and abundant. We would be envious were it not for the fact that it’s an almost exact copy of Earth. That is, what has been achieved there could also be achieved by us. Up to a certain point in time, events on the two planets ran in parallel. But suddenly, everything changed. The trajectory of Earth changed.
The world’s readiness for radical change
Humanity needs a moral revolution. A revolution that will change the mentality of man and of our entire civilization. This is what the philosopher Hares Youssef writes about in his book GAIIA.
The book “Gaia” predicts the behavior of a world ready for radical change. Predicting means revealing aspects of reality that will set in motion tomorrow’s events of a historical order.
Philosopher, expert on antiquity, founder of the JanusAcademy project.
Disrupted planetary health Since the Industrial Revolution, human impact on the planet has become so active that today it has led to serious consequences, and
Sochi, September 15, 2020, 06:15 local time: Russian President Vladimir Putin is awakened by an urgent phone call from the Defense Minister – an unidentified,
Philosophy has long ceased to be a way of being and has become a field of research, a detached analysis, a “philosophical speech” or simply
Hares Youssef’s audiobook “Gaiia” narrated by Sergey Chonichvili is published on Bookmate.com! Special thanks to producer Nika Vashakidze, thanks to her responsibility and sensitivity this
We are pleased to announce that the book GAIIA has started selling on Ozon.ru. BUY at Ozon
I am a very partial person. In this case, my bias is expressed in the fact that I only create audiobooks based on the novels
The Gaiia Projects is a multi-faceted project, with the final goal of creating a planetary digital platform for ensuring the vital activity of future economic, social, and financial systems. Fundamentally, an Ecological Digital Government. But today, the top priority is to create the necessary conditions for the planet to receive the status of an ecological law entity, endowed with exclusive attributes and functions. We need this in order for GAIIA to become a full-fledged participant in the G20 summits. G20 + GAIIA.